
skincare shopping list

facial ALPCH - 누보바세 오일 폼 클렌저 (페이셜모이스처오일폼클렌저) FIRSTLAB - 프로바이오틱 스킨 에센스 시그니처 FIRSTLAB - 프로바이오틱 포어 타이트닝 에센스 W.피부연구소 - 스탑 에이징 펩타이드 아이크림 or A.M 크림 FIRSTLAB - 프로바이오틱 마스크 시즌3 body monage - 프로 샴푸&바디 워시 monage - 프로 아트 로션 monage - 프로 베리어 크림

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recurrence relation

problem BOJ 2869 solution iteration height 1 A 2 A + (B - A) 3 A + 2 * (B - A) … … condition for arrival: \(V >= A + ((iteration) - 1) * (A - B)\) \((V-A)/(A-B) + 1 >= (iteration)\) in c++, the iteration can be ex...

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cout precedence

problem The follwing code, a part of solution for BOJ 2753 does not print as expected. cout << (!(year % 4) && (year % 100)) || !(year % 400); solution Refer to c++ operator precedence. Operater ‘«’ has greater precedence than ‘||’. Therefore, the code above will behave as following: (cout << (!(year % 4) && (year %...

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array initialization

problem Tried to print empty array, but the result wasn’t empty. int ctr[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){ cout << ctr[i] << '\n'; } solution C/C++ arrays are not initialized upon declaration. Initialize at least 1 element to set the others as 0. int ctr[10] = {0}; for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){ cout << ctr[i] &...

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number of testcase not given

problem The number of testcases are not given. BOJ 10951 solution Detect EOF and break when found. while(!cin.eof()){ ... } Use cin as conditional. while(cin >> ...){ ... }

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delete recursively

problem want to delete all files that matches whithin all the subdirectories of current directory solution askubuntu QnA

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